Elegant Salt & Pepper Diamond Rings That Break Tradition in Style


When it comes to choosing diamond engagement rings in Lufkin, TX, most brides immediately pair an engagement ring with a huge flashy white diamond. But if this isn’t your style or if you’re leaning towards something unique and rare, why not choose a salt and pepper diamond ring.


Salt and pepper diamonds are a beautiful choice and these perfectly imperfect gemstones ooze elegance and class which is ideal for the bride-to-be.


Reasons we love salt and pepper diamonds

Salt and pepper diamond wedding bands in Lufkin, TX are still diamonds and white they are incredibly rare they are durable and resilient which makes them ideal for daily wear.


These diamonds are also far more affordable than white diamonds are they are considered to be not quite perfect and were often discarded during the manufacturing process. Since these diamonds require fewer resources to procure, they are ideal for eco-friendly couples as well as on a budget.


Salt and pepper gemstones get their shade from their high number of carbon inclusions which makes the gemstone a greyish color. If you’re looking to incorporate this diamond into your wedding jewelry, you can also opt for diamond earrings in Lufkin, TX to match your ring.


With these diamonds, jewelers cannot use the 4C’s of evaluation like they do for other diamond gemstones. This is because the number of carbon inclusions in this diamond makes it tough to grade and so while they are still valuable, the grade and clarity do not apply.


End Note

Even though salt and pepper diamonds are deemed imperfect compared to other white and colored diamonds, they still hold a lot of value and quality and give off a beautiful shimmery look and feel that most brides can’t get enough of.


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